Terms & Conditions – Direct Seeding 2024.
You can access the Direct Seeding General Terms and Conditions here.
You Can Access the Direct Seeding Privacy Policy here.
Darryl Drill Calibration Refresh Steps
Darryl Drill Calibration Visual Instructions (shortened) can be found here.
Use this tool to show you how much of your pasture your livestock are grazing, how big your pasture shortage or surplus at various times of the year might be and how many kilograms of liveweight you produce per hectare.
This calculator helps to determine the costs and benefits of resowing pastures compared to current practice.
The tool allows inputs of:
- costs of resowing
- benefits of the resown pastures to livestock
- soils and the environment at any given financial values (i.e. different interest rates, tax rates, gross margins etc.)
- Perennial-Pasture-Establishment-Guide.pdf (evergraze.com.au)
- Renovating damaged pastures and soils | Managing wet soils | Dairy | Livestock and animals | Agriculture Victoria
- Pasture renovation and kikuyu management (mpi.govt.nz)
- (PDF) Herbicide application and direct drilling improves establishment and yield of chicory and plantain (researchgate.net)
- Perennial pastures for Western Australia” by Geoff Allan Moore, Paul Sanford et al. (dpird.wa.gov.au)
- https://grdc.com.au/resources-and-publications/grdc-update-papers/tab-content/grdc-update-papers/2012/08/pasture-renovation
Industry Resources
A collection of useful links and resources on soil.
A collection of useful industry links and resources on pasture planting and management.
Pasture Renovation
A collection of useful industry links and resources on pasture renovation.
A collection of useful industry links and resources on legumes.
No-Till Drills
Considerations when selecting no-till direct drills